Das Team um Teamleader Dr. Werner Efing (RC Bielefeld-Waldhof) besteht aus den Mitglieder Marina Buschinski, Yvonne Kübeck, Eduard Nikel und Jost Bade. Für mehr Informationen auf das jeweilige Bild klicken!

GSE Team Leader D1900
Werner Efing – Employers‘ Association Metal Industry
Managing Director (retired) / LLD International Law
werner AT gseaustralia . de
RC Bielefeld-Waldhof






Marina Buschinski – product coordinator & project manager
M.A. Business Economics and Sports Management
marina AT gseaustralia . de
sponsored by: RC Lüdenscheid







Yvonne Kübeck – product and service management
M.Sc. Business Psychology
yvonne AT gseaustralia . de
sponsored by: RC Bielefeld-Sparrenburg







Eduard Nikel – head of experimental bakery
B.A. Technical Business Administration
eduard AT gseaustralia . de
sponsored by: RC Detmold-Blomberg







Jost Bade – human resources management
B.A. Business Administration
jost AT gseaustralia . de
sponsored by: RC Paderborn